Learn meditation Discover your true self

  • Be humble in order to attain enlightenment. Thus, after attaining it, be more humble still.

    Samael Aun Weor

  • The human society is the extension of the individual. Therefore, if we really want a radical change, if we want a better world, we need to change individually.

    Samael Aun Weor

  • We must experience the Truth in a direct, practical and real way; this is only possible in the stillness and silence of the mind, and this is achieved by means of meditation.

    Samael Aun Weor

  • We neither scorn nor underestimate any religion. All religions are very precious pearls strung upon the golden thread of Divinity. We only affirm that Gnosis is the flame from which all the religions of the Universe emerge.

    Samael Aun Weor

  • To remember the Self and to relax the body is something that we have to constantly do. Remember that the body, the nerves, the muscles are always in tension.

    Samael Aun Weor

  • There are strange moments in life when the mind rests without any kind of worries. When our mind is quiet, when our mind is in silence, then the new arrives.

    Samael Aun Weor

  • We need to study our own mind, to observe it, to profoundly investigate it, to truly comprehend it. Thus, only in this way, by becoming masters of ourselves, masters of our own mind, will we kill the killer of love; thus, we will become truly happy.

    Samael Aun Weor

March 15th, 10am - 11:30am English 11:30am - 1:15pm Espanol

Smiley Library at Berkley Park
4501 W. 46th Ave Denver, CO 80212

Gnostic Astrology: Aries

This course will occur once a month and will be covering the 12 Zodiacal Signs from the Gnostic perspective. After a brief discourse on the Zodiacal sign of Aries, we will do a meditation practice to harness the energy of the sign of Pisces. This astrology course discards complicated charts and memorization, and instead explains how to transform your daily life by learning about your true nature.

April 19th, Noon - 2 pm English 2 pm - 4pm Espanol

Smiley Library at Berkley Park
4501 W. 46th Ave Denver, CO 80212

Gnostic Astrology: Taurus

This course will occur once a month and will be covering the 12 Zodiacal Signs from the Gnostic perspective. After a brief discourse on the Zodiacal sign of Taurus, we will do a meditation practice to harness the energy of the sign of Pisces. This astrology course discards complicated charts and memorization, and instead explains how to transform your daily life by learning about your true nature.